Transforming Cybersecurity Incident Response: NexTech’s Journey

Empowering Cybersecurity Resilience: NexTech's Journey with Unipath

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, companies face the ever-growing challenge of efficiently managing incident response (IR) processes. In this context, the story of NexTech Corporation’s transformation through the adoption of Unipath’s cybersecurity platform stands as a testament to the power of innovative technology in streamlining SecOps routines and enhancing overall security posture.

The Challenge: Overwhelmed with False Positives and Routine tasks

Before Unipath, NexTech’s cybersecurity team grappled with an overwhelming number of alerts daily, most of which turned out to be false positives. This not only drained the team’s resources but also delayed responses to genuine threats. The team used multiple disjointed tools for case management, leading to inefficient processes and a lack of unified visibility.

Unipath’s Solution: A Unified Platform for Streamlined IR

Unipath introduced NexTech to a unified platform designed to consolidate case management, automate responses, and enrich data for better decision-making. Here’s how Unipath transformed NexTech’s SecOps:

Centralized Case Management: Unipath’s platform became the single source of truth for all IR activities. It allowed the NexTech team to have all cases in one place, providing a holistic view of their security landscape and facilitating easier coordination among team members.

Automated False Positive Filtering: Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, Unipath’s solution automatically distinguished between false positives and genuine threats. This significantly reduced the volume of cases the team needed to manually review, freeing up time for more strategic tasks.

Data Enrichment for Enhanced Decision Making: For each genuine threat, Unipath’s platform automatically enriched the incident data with context, historical analysis, and threat intelligence. This empowered the NexTech team to understand the full scope of an incident quickly and respond more effectively.

Automated Response to Security Incidents: Unipath’s platform also automated routine response tasks, from isolating infected systems, automatically communicating with affected employees to applying security policies. This rapid response capability minimized the potential impact of threats.

The Impact: Dramatic Efficiency Gains and Enhanced Security

Within the first month of implementing Unipath’s solution, NexTech witnessed a transformation in its SecOps routine. The platform resolved tens of cases daily through automation, leading to an up to 90% reduction in manual case handling. This allowed the cybersecurity team to focus on more complex and strategic security concerns.

Conclusion: Unipath as a Game-Changer for NexTech

For NexTech Corporation, Unipath’s platform was not just a tool but a game-changer in their approach to cybersecurity. It streamlined their IR process, cleaned up false positives, enriched event data, and automated responses to cases. By offloading up to 90% of daily SecOps routines, Unipath enabled NexTech’s cybersecurity team to become more proactive, strategic, and effective in their roles. This story underscores the critical role of innovative solutions like Unipath in empowering organizations to face the cybersecurity challenges of the digital age.